August 24, 2010

Tumblr Tuesday: How Do You Remake Yourself?

Is it okay if I post a tumblr tuesday on a thursday night?  Is it okay if I back-date it?  Yes?  Okay, thanks.  =)  I didn't want this week to go by without sharing with you one of the best things I have read in a long time.  Seriously, if you read anything this week, read this.

Erica is one of my absolute favorite tumblrs and one of my absolute favorite writers.  I love her writing style so much that I would probably devour the phone book if she wrote it.  She writes at the core of life openly and honestly.  I went into a book store the other day to buy a book for a long train ride home. When I couldn't find what I was looking for, I realized it was because I was looking for the book Erica wrote, or more accurately, the book I am waiting for her to write.  Until then, I'll just wait eagerly for her tumblr posts.

In this post (reblogged in part on my tumblr) she answers the question "how do you remake yourself?"  Her answer is raw but delicious.  Go read it.  I'm sure you'll love it.