February 8, 2012

The Past Three and a Half Years According to My Photobooth

[Edit: Oops. I did the math wrong. (No surprise there.) It has been only the past two and a half years. But still.]

You guys.

This is probably the most absurd post I've put together in a while...

but I just flipped through my photobooth photos from the last three and a half years ((!!!)) and I just have to share the outtakes.

Please note:
   - the fact that my wardrobe is comprised of mostly hooded sweatshirts.
   - the number of times I appear to have NO IDEA that the camera is going off. um. what?
   - holy emo, batman. I could give a fifteen year old a run for her money in some of these...
   - yes. i once had short hair. and now we can all watch it grow...
   - photo locations include maine, connecticut, ireland, maryland, and dc. but not in that order.
   - Capo, Nicole's cat, loves to cuddle. Nicole will blame that on me, but... whatever. (ha.)
   - Blossom, my mom's pup, might be part cat with all that shoulder sitting.
   - those walls are no longer yellow (ick ick ew).

And without further adieu...

And that right there pretty much sums up my life for the past three and a half years.