September 9, 2010

For My Twenty Seventh Year

My Twenty Seventh Year Shall Look Like This:
  • I'll just put this up at the top to get it out of the way - employed with health and dental insurance.  (A dream come true!  Ha.)
  • Honest writing consistently.  (Does this list count? Ha, again. )
  • Quality time with best friends. (Quality rather than quantity b/c we're far away & busy!  of course the internets help with that.)
  • Lots of puppy kisses.  (She's a love bug.  So am I.  It's the perfect match.)
  • Books and books and more books. (And drooling over kindles and ipads.)
  • Adventures in NYC.  (If I'm not living there, there's always Metro-North & I have lots of couches to crash on!)
  • Large quantities of family time.  (Making up for years spent living hours away.)
  • Community service.  (I always get more than I give.)
  • Many clicks of the shutter.  (This is already a certainty.  I'm determined.  Click here.)
  • Quit the worrying habit. Or at least scale back. (It's a habit, I swear.)
  • Work in my career field, even if I'm not getting paid for it.  (This is how I know the past 4 yrs were not a massive mistake.  #truth.)
  • More flirting than the past five years combined.  (This is not as lofty a goal as it appears, trust me.)
  • Enjoy holiday seasons!  (No more finals ever, ever, ever.)
  • LOVE HARDER.  (I love hard.  It's time to embrace it.  And it's time to love harder.)
  • Dismiss the opinions I think others have of me.  (So much easier said than done, right?)
  • Take more risks.  (It's worth it, I know.)
  • Lots and lots and lots of lists.  (Visual prioritizing - totally works for me.)
  • Hang out more in the blog community. (I'm learning how a-ma-zing and inspiring the people can be in this community.)
  • Enjoy the moments I have been waiting years for. (It's true.  I've put my LIFE on hold for too long.  I have 365 days of my twenty seventh year to change that.)
  • And that word up there in large letters.
A couple of weeks late in sharing, but I know, I know, I know that I will make this year a good one. I have been waiting for you, Twenty Seven.  Welcome to my life.  =)


  1. LOVE! And I think those are all goals I'd like to achieve in my 29th year of life!

    This list is so inspiring & genuinely motivating. Thank you for sharing it :)

  3. Alivia & Nikki - Thank you!!! I was hesitant to post this, but I'm so glad I did now. Here is to a great year for all of us!
