August 10, 2010

Tumblr Tuesday: Haunted

Dear Tuesday,  
You flew by this week!  In fact, I almost missed you entirely.  No worries though, I did remember Tumblr Tuesday.  =)  See you again next week!

This week's tumblr post is:

The Guggenheim has a great exhibit going on for a few more weeks entitled: "Haunted".  I spent an afternoon there last week walking around the circular floors and taking in the exhibit.  It is absolutely worth seeing.   I think the Andy Warhol piece was my favorite. 

The entire exhibit is unsettling, thought-provoking, inspiring, and sometimes just plain creepy.  But in that wonderfully good, important way.  It explores the concepts of national tragedy and personal tragedy.  The multi-media nature of the exhibit highlights the infinite number of ways that art can convey the unexplainable. 

I spent a lot of time thinking about tragedy and how it defines a person or a nation (or how a nation/person works not to be defined by a tragedy).  This exhibit has layers upon layers, and I could have definitely spent more than an afternoon sorting through the artwork and the meanings.  But if you have only an afternoon free - definitely go check it out and let me know what you think!