My closet erupted, spilling its contents onto my bedroom the floor and covering half of my bed. Fall sweaters and winter colors, cozy fabrics. The weekend colored itself a chilly gray, but my room holds a swirl of color and warmth. Sunday afternoon laziness creeps in – content and content and content.
Gratitude for the here and now has faded into this life here and now. Living it rather than just standing in gratitude for it. I complained too loudly yesterday that I needed a pair of new boots. A pair with less of a heel. I have to walk around a city during the fall now. Everyone is wearing boots. Don’t you get it? Fall has arrived and I have nothing to offer. I lugged my camera around and hopped on the metro but I didn’t travel more than one stop and didn’t take my camera out once, because I needed new boots. A pair with less of a heel.
I walked in and out of stores – high end to thrift shop – searching for the perfect pair of boots. So I could stand in front of them and lust, try them on and put them back on the shelf. I never had any intention of buying boots this weekend. For a thousand reasons, I knew I would never buy a pair of boots this weekend. But I searched anyway.
It’s not really about the boots. I’m not really sure what it is about. I could take a few guesses, but… For now, things here, life here, is good. I am good. I’ll let the boots be boots.
I finally went home and dove head first into my closet. I unpacked my life under the guise of fall and winter clothes.
I spent this weekend with roommates turned friends, grabbed coffee a few doors down, and frozen yogurt a couple of blocks away. I danced to Jay-Z old and new and drank and didn’t drink and she knew. I’m falling in love with Joshua Radin circa 2007. Sipping coffee from Maine. I need to put the rest of my fall clothes away, but right now I’m enjoying the display of colors, my own peak-fall foliage.
My camera didn’t get enough use this weekend, I didn’t write enough or the way I intended to, I left a neighborhood unexplored. But for now, things here, life here, is good. I am good. I’ll let the weekend be the weekend.
I’ll light my apple pie candle when the sky grows darker and cuddle up with my journal or a book. Right now, the Sunday afternoon laziness creeps in – content and content and content.
[notes: the internet at my place is out (has been out since last thursday) and i’m not sure when we will get it back. posting may continue to be sporadic.
also, boots? for real, any suggestions? basically, i'm looking for frye boots with little to no heel minus about $400. simple to find, i know. so yeah, suggestions?
photo from last year, vermont.]