March 24, 2009

Employment Opportunity

For Hire: Grocery Store Runner
Qualifications - Must be able to: find a parking space that doesn't have an unreturned shopping cart already occupying the space; remember to grab everything on the shopping list - or, you know, just remember the shopping list; push the squeaky-wheeled-mind-of-its-
own shopping cart through the obstacle course aisles, nearly colliding with no more than three persons per aisle; reach the last box of granola, sitting on the tip top shelf, a foot back from the front of the shelf without losing your balance and toppling over the small child grabbing for Lucky Charms on the bottom shelf; stand in line reading the tabloids headlines without making an over-expressive disgusted face; chit chat with the check-out person without addressing the thousands reasons why you look like you have not slept in weeks or why your purchased items are so random that it is possible you slept-walked through the store grabbing items within reach every third aisle; find the car in the parking lot; and arrange the groceries in the car so that they actually stay in the bag and don't end up scattered around the back seat.
Monthly bonus for anybody who can put the groceries away and figure out what to do with all those plastic bags week after week after week after week after week after week.

March 18, 2009

Good News, World

I survived today.

That is all.

March 16, 2009

Cappuccino Brownie

Today is the type of day where I had to have my delicious, rich, heavenly, cappuccino brownie before dinner. I intended to have only a bite, just to take the edge off - my edge, not the brownie - and accidentally ate the entire thing. oops. Oh, but it was so heavenly, so relaxing, yet euphoric. Of course, now I am sitting with a Whole Foods take-out-box of shepard's pie in my lap less than halfway finished. I knew this would be the consequence when I took that second and third bite of the savory, sweet, chocolate love (otherwise known as a Whole Foods cappuccino brownie), but by the time the fork met my lips for the fourth and fifth time, I was a goner. There was just no turning back. It was worth it. For about thirteen blissful bites, I forgot entirely that I have a midterm, a paper, a presentation, and so many other things due in less than 48 hrs, and I melted away with the espresso chocolate in my mouth. Mmmmm... if I could only go back to those thirteen bites....

Later, I will be finishing the shepard's pie (so no worries those of you who are concerned that I consume too much sugar and not enough protein), drinking coffee and snacking on edamame. Who knows, maybe I will come back here raving about my late night snack, but I'm pretty sure that not even the coffee will meet the bliss of that cappuccino brownie...

March 4, 2009

Afternoon Sun

I love afternoon sun streaming through the window, even on single-digit afternoons. Falling over my shoulders and spilling onto the desk top, it comforts and warms. From this tower window, the snow and ice sparkle, forming an enchanted kingdom below. Inside, the retro yellow bookshelves reflect the light and warm the space more than the humming heater beside me. The sun soothes and dissolves caffeinated anxiety. Years at this carrel, I have come to treasure the warm blanket of the afternoon sun.